In Living Color's : (5:25) For more Professional Star Trek Parodies, Tributes, Commercials, Foreign Imitators, and Educational Videos, see
September 29, 2019, Recent Release, Star Trek Adventures Season 2 Ep. 1 Brick/Lego kid trek from Trek animator 12. (5:47) 26 Aug 2019 For more Kid Trek/Teen Trek see
September 28, 2019, Find, Ghosts of Conscience, Part 4 from Doug Graham. A Golden Age, Star Trek Fan Film animated using Plotagon. (0:54) 17 Aug 2016. For more Plotagon Star Trek Fan Films, see
September 27, 2019, New Release, Clay Days: A Lost Episode Claymation of indeterminate age uploaded by Eric Keller. "This is a lost episode where the crew visits a planet that has a high amount of Helium in it. An evil computer is messing with the animals and turning them into monsters. Sorry about the very low quality of the film. Try to make out what they are saying. It's cute!" (8:35) 26 Sep 2019. For the latest info on Clay Days: A Lost Episode see
September 26, 2019, New Release, Star Trek Das Abenteuer (Star Trek The Adventure) from Sebastian Schmidt. A short audio drama set on board Voyager. (14:40) 28 September 2019. For more details of Star Trek Das Abenteuer see
September 25, 2019, New Release, Star Trek in Eberswalde: Der Fan-Film from Raumschiff Eberswalde. The new captain of the Enterprise is on his way to begin his duty, after greeting his new crew and giving them their first task to find out whats going on aboard the ship and the turbulences in the shuttle on his way there, finds himself at an old bureau in the past. A phone call from Q tells him he has to make a contract with the NBC bosses for a series about the adventures of a starship called Enterprise. after which Q brings the captain back to the future. (2:21) 22 September 2019. For the latest from Raumschiff Eberswalde see
September 24, 2019, New Release, Sun Microsystems StarTrek Spoof uploaded by Robert Garner. Video spoof produced for Sun Microsystems employees in 1988 right after it achieved $1 billion in revenue. After competitors Apollo, DEC, and IBM star ships mutually destroy each other, there's a scene with Sun's actual VPs portrayed as captured aliens in business suits. (17:16) 27 Sep 2019. For more Professional Star Trek Parodies, Tributes, Commercials, Foreign Imitators, and Educational Videos, see
September 23, 2019, Find BBC Blue Peter - Star Trek Item (1997) uploaded by Edutainment Edutainment. British children's show, Blue Peter made a Star Trek homage in 1997 when Star Trek The Exhibition came to England. (7:24) 3 Sep 2019. For more Professional Star Trek Parodies, Tributes, Commercials, Foreign Imitators, and Educational Videos, see
September 22, 2019, New Release, Najlepszy lekarz from Dem3000, the latest episode in Star Trek Przerobiony, the long-running Polish comedy recut of TAS. (2:35) 3 Sep 2019. For more Polish language films, see Blog 219: Non English Star Trek Fan Films at
0 Trilogie STAR TREK LEGO - Bande Annonce (2:35) 25 Sep 2019
1 Spectral Distress (Re) live the exciting adventures of the crew of the Enterprise! Unlike the following two episodes, this story is independent and does not impact on the same characters as in the sequels. (8:02) 2011. For more Star Trek Lego (Remastérisé) see
September 19, 2019, New Release, One Minute Trek from Nathaniel McGill with the help of his daughters, Katelynn & Olivia. Two little girls save daddy from the planet below! (1:08) 24 Aug 2019. For more Kid Trek/Teen Trek see
September 18, 2019, New Release, Classic Schwartz Episode II: Star Schwartz from XRP the Standard Productions. A parody that uses an animated Star Trek skit to explain XRP, a cryptocurrency. (4:38) 26 Aug 2019. For more Blog Professional Television's Star Trek Parodies, Tributes, Commercials, and Foreign Imitators. see (4:58) 18 Jan 2008 (5:04) 25 Sep 2009 High quality DVD rip (5:00) 5 Mar 2010. For more Professional Star Trek Parodies, Tributes, Commercials, Foreign Imitators, and Educational Videos, see
September 16, 2019, Find, Star Trek Meet The Batman, Corto en Stop-Motion from ESPACIO GEEK. Stop motion of action figures by Spanish-speaking filmmaker. (2:31) 25 Jul 2019. For more Francise Crossover Films see
September 15, 2019, New Release, A Star Trek way to make an announcement from Quarnz. I believe congratulations are in order. (1:02) 26 Aug 2019. For more Blog 207 Short Films (not listed elsewhere) see
Part 1: (9:30) 23 Aug 2019.
Part 2: (3:41) 23 Aug 2019. For more Kid Trek/Teen Trek see
September 12, 2019, Find, Ghosts of Conscience, Part 3 from Doug Graham. A Golden Age, Star Trek Fan Film animated using Plotagon. (2:15) 16 Aug 2016. For more Plotagon Star Trek Fan Films, see
September 11, 2019, New Release, Starship Chimera Part Three. A stop motion, action figure fan film from Starship Chimera 82405. The exciting concluding third act of Chimera takes the crew of the Chimera and the classic TNG crews to the planet of Misfit Toys, where the evil Overlords at last arrive, and rip the planet to pieces! Q finally stands up to them as an unexpected ship arrives to help also before they are off to the most legendary space realm of all, the Q Continuum itself! It is nothing like the boring tiny cornfield from the Voyager episode but a cosmic maelstrom. After a short reunion with his twin, Paris, Locarno and Dax are sent to find the destiny device itself their very idol, James Kirk! The crew mayhem goes boldly where no one dared before, with go motion fun for all fans! (53:08) 30 August 2019. From the previous parts of Starship Chimera see
September 10, 2019, Find, Clear Mind from Spock oclock, Jens Dombek, a German fan who bears an amazing resemblance to Lonard Nimoy as Spock! This is a monologue: To Spock, Logic and the power of his mind are all important. (0:59) 01 February 2019. For more from Spock oclock see
September 09, 2019, New Release, Star Track Pickerd (Parody Of Star Trek Picard) from LPS Jazz Kitty. Having a little fun at the expense of the new trailer. (05:37) 21 Aug 2019. For more Star Trek Parodies and Comedies see
Star Trek Wink Of An Eye Stunt Doubles Loosely based on the Original Series episode. (5:40) 10 Sep 2019. For more of MrBonk85's Star Trek Short Spoofs see
September 07, 2019, Recent Release, Picard meets online girl episode 10 of Star Trek TNG Comedy Redub by GeoMFilms. Picard finally meets the girl that he saw on an online dating site, he gets the girls permission for a date, he just wants to meet her. As a back up though Wesley is told to be ready to help the captain by speaking highly of Picard but that will be hard for Wesley because he hates him. What will happen? Will Picard find true happiness and love? (7:12) 19 Jul 2019. For more Star Trek TNG Comedy Redub see
September 05, 2019, New Release, more Bermuda's Triangle from Artifactsofmars. Trailer: (1:57) 06 Sep 2019.
Part 1: A Federation ambassador disappears in an area of space nicknamed "Bermuda's Triangle" after the controversial area on Earth. Attempting to find the ambassador and others who are lost there, the starship Republic is captured by the same anomaly, only to find one solar system and no other stars and an ore freighter whose crew has vanished mysteriously. They continue to explore the planets in the hope of finding a clue of how get out of the strange void. (15:36) 07 Sep 2019
Part 2: The Republic follows a Zeta Reticuli saucer in the hope of finding out if they are responsible for disappearances, including the entire crew of the ambassador's shuttle. Meanwhile, Lonny takes a team by shuttle to planet 5 to investigate a transponder signal, which is from the Ambassador's shuttle. As the void begins to clear, the Republic closes in on planet 6, toward an inevitable showdown with the Zetas. (15:26) 07 Sep 2019. For more Second Life Star Trek Fan Films see
September 04, 2019, Find, Shatner Of The Mount (and sequels!) from Jonathan Lane at Fan Film Factor shows how Captain Kirk climbing the mountain can sometimes get funnier and funnier. 04 September 2019. For more Star Trek Parody and Comedy see
September 03, 2019, New Release, Starship Chimera Part Two. A stop motion, action figure fan film from Starship Chimera 82405. Transported by Q to the mysterious Planet of Misfit Toys, the Chimera commanders discover a mystical being called Eon and some android clones who hold the key to the Preserver planets. Then in space, the Enterprise E and the Titan A must do battle at the anomaly field when a rogue Klingon ship with an old grudge appears, but they still must rescue the Chimera. The strange new plot continues with the parody fan film taking the crews out of their element, to worlds beyond imagination. (51:11) 30 August 2019. For more on Starship Chimera see
Trailer 1 (2:11).
Trailer 4 (1:13).
For more Trailers Not Associated with A Released Film. see
Sins of the twins Part 1 Tatelyn's sleep disturbance is put to the test when she wants Pisceria and Piscara to come outside and chat with her for a while. Surely the next morning, Pisceria starts discovering why Tatelyn disturbed her and Piscara, rescheduling her duties for next week. (3:21) 1 Sep 2019
Sins of the twins Part 2 After discussing a disturbing sequence, it's now up to Pisceria and Captain Chaos to sort out about Tatelyn's sleep disturbance. Let's just say, it's one of these days which happen like this. (4:36) 3 Sep 2019
Sins of the twins Part 2 After discussing a disturbing sequence, it's now up to Pisceria and Captain Chaos to sort out about Tatelyn's sleep disturbance. Let's just say, it's one of these days which happen like this. (4:36) 3 Sep 2019
For more Star Trek Kids see